Create w/ Care

From nothing a new thing exists, imbued with the essence of the maker.

Good in = good out. Bad in = bad out.

For instance, a maker optimizing for money is likely to end up with a product that promotes little emotional response from the end user.

A screenwriter optimizing for the truth within themselves can make the movie-goer cry.

It is much harder to find the truth within oneself than it is to set up a drop-shipping store. It is much better to live in a world where we connect to the things we consume.

Our environment consists of a surplus options made both, w/ and w/o care. It is hard for the end-user to make good decisions about what to consume. It is much easier to tell when something you’ve made doesn’t meet the mark.

Thus, the onus is on makers to create with care every single time.

If all makers create with care every time there is only care to consume. To make in this way is a noble act.

In order to fill a world with care we create w/ care.